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The Bihar Land Tribunal Act 2009
The Bihar Land Tribunal Rule 2010
The Hon'ble Chairman
The Hon'ble Judicial Members
The Hon'ble Administrative Members
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1. Jurisdiction of the Bihar Land Tribunal : The Tribunal shall have the power to entertain any application against the final order passed by the Appropriate Authorities under the Acts/Manuals, mentioned below, within 90 days of such an order provided no other forum of appeal or revision against the order passed is provided in that Act/ Manuals:

The function of this department includes 

(i) The Bihar Land Reforms (Fixation of Ceiling Area and Acquisition of Surplus Land) Act, 1961
(ii) The Bihar Land Reforms Act, 1950
(iii) The Bihar Tenancy Act, 1885
(iv) The Bihar Consolidation of Holdings and Prevention of Fragmentation Act,1956
(v) The Bihar Tenants' Holdings (Maintenance of Records) Act, 1973
(vi) The Bihar Bhoodan Yagna Act, 1954
(vii) The Bihar Privileged Persons Homestead Tenancy Act, 1947
(viii) The Bihar Government Estates Manual, 1953
(ix) The Bihar Settlement Manual.

It extends to the whole of BIHAR.

2. Qualifications for appointment of Chairman or other Members: A person shall not be qualified for appointment as the Chairman unless he is, or has been, or is qualified to be a Judge of a High Court, or has practiced as an advocate continuously for not less than twenty years in Any High Court. A person shall not be qualified for appointment as a Judicial Member unless he is or has been, a District Judge and has held the post in that rank for at least three years, or has practised as an advocate continuously for not less then fifteen years. Or is qualified to be appointed as a Judge of a High Court. A person shall not be qualified for appointment as an Administrative Member unless he has held the post of Member/ Additional Member, Board of Revenue, Bihar, Or has held the post not below the rank of Principal Secretary/ Secretary to the Govt. of Bihar and has dealt with Land Reforms matters during his services inthe Bihar Government in the capacity of Appellate/ Revisional Authority for a period of not less than one year in either (a) or (b), in the aggregate. Any vacancy in the office of the Chairman or any Member shall be filled by the Government in accordance with the provisions of this Act.

The functions of the Tribunal shall be discharged by a bench consisting of the Chairman and Judicial and AdministrativeMember, or by a bench consisting of Judicial and Administrative Member constituted by the Chairman; or by a single Member, nominated in this behalf by the Chairman, in such cases, as he deems fit.
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[Visitor #    ]